Monday, May 29, 2006

How Can I Download All the Links on a Page...At the Same Time?

First, I'd recommend that you use Mozilla Firefox as your browser. Aside from the beauty of its tabbed interface, which kept my taskbar from getting too cluttered, Firefox is also safer than Internet Explorer. I've been browsing risky [or is that risque? ;-)] websites recently, but so far my computer's stayed free of any malware.

But I'm sure a lot of you know all that, so why did I bring Firefox into the picture? Well, one of its extensions (Firefox plug-ins), aptly named DownThemAll!, allows you to download all links on a page. It also comes with a filter, so you can choose to get, say, only the music files.

DownThemAll can also continue downloads if they fail for any reason, without having to start from scratch. And as a download manager, it splits files into five parts, better utilizing your connection and making for faster downloads. This program has no malware whatsoever, and is open-source (free)!

If I sound like a salesman, it's only because the program has worked so well for me. I've been on a downloading binge lately, thanks to DownThemAll. Besides, I find their slogan cute: "Why just one, when you can DownThemAll!"


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